DUOTONE Strider SLS 2024 Wing Foiling, SUP and Surf Review

DUOTONE Strider SLS 2024

Reviews / Pump / Dock Start


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The Strider SLS Pump Foil board from SLS, which stands for Strong Light Superior, boasts a compact shape designed to enhance your foiling experience with its excellent pumping capabilities off the dock. This specialist foil board is meticulously crafted to provide optimal performance without compromise.

Featuring a flat rocker from tail to front foot, the Strider SLS ensures efficient pumping with maximum projection, allowing riders to stay up on the foil for longer periods. The board's lightweight construction, made of durable full 3K Carbon with a solid high-density core, offers stiffness and responsiveness while maintaining ease of control.

The Strider SLS is designed with thin rails that are easy to hold onto during dock starts, and its compact dimensions minimize swing weight, making it an ideal choice for pump foilers of all skill levels. The slightly recessed deck provides a close connection to the foil, enabling quick adjustments of the feet when needed.

With a single concave to flat bottom design that reduces drag on touchdowns, the Strider SLS ensures a smooth foiling experience. The board's low rocker from tail to front foot enhances pumping efficiency, while the high-density core and Carbon finish deliver strength and rigidity for direct power transfer to the foil.

Available in a dedicated size of 3'4'' x 16" and 14l volume, the Strider SLS offers sufficient flotation to easily push the board up for paddling back to the dock after dropping in. Whether you're seeking after-work fun or aiming to set personal mileage records, this pump board is tailored to meet the needs of all pump foilers.

In conclusion, the Strider SLS Pump Foil board is a top choice for riders seeking a high-performance yet durable foil board that excels in pumping off the dock. Its compact design, lightweight construction, and thoughtful features make it an unparalleled option for enhancing your foiling experience, regardless of your skill level or riding preferences.

For more information visit DUOTONE
By Tonic Mag

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