Wing Foiling, SUP and Surf Technique
We’re going to delve into the world of pumping as a means to get up on the foil for this issue. If you’re happily flying around, you will perhaps notice that you need considerably less power in your wing once you’re up than you do to get up. Effectively, this can mean that you’re on a bigger wing than required!...
Duck Gybe
The Duck Gybe is a personal favourite. Not only does it feel fabulous and look amazing, but it’s also pretty functional! Due to the movement of the wing, you’re far less likely to get backwinded by your induced wind when it’s light, and the wing’s movement gets the power back on sharpish. What’s more, if you’re happily gybing, meaning that...
Foiling Foot Switch, Toe to Heel
If you’ve been following this Wing Foil series, you’ve likely been through the heel-to-toe foot switch. Now, ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for the other one! The Toe to Heel. This member of the family is equally useful. You can call on it any time you’re toeside to return to heelside. Whether after a gybe or tack, you’ll have the...
Wing Foil Gybe Part 3 - Foiling Heel to Toe Gybe
It’s on ladies and gents, it’s on! If you’ve been following this Wing Foil series and the videos on the Tonic channel, your prep for the foiling gybe is done, the foundations are laid, you’ve never been more ready:) We write this with utter conviction because you’ve got a feeling for wind direction, a solid first position, a balanced dynamic...
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana / Upward Facing dog
Low to gravity, upward facing dog is a stable posture to practice on a SUP. It opens the back and stretches the front of the body which feels amazing especially when you take big deep breaths in. Press both hands evenly onto the board and imagine lifting up and out of the chest rather than simply leaning backwards. Depending on...
Mandukasana - Frog Pose - Beginner
This luscious hip opener is perfect for beginners as its low gravity on the board and very stable. Start by straddling the board positioning yourself over the centre of the board, generally where the handle is located. Slowly extend your arms forward walking your fingertips towards the nose of the board. Your hip flexibility will determine how deep you can...
Wing Foil Gybe Part 5 - Foiling Toe to Heel Gybe
Just when you thought you could enjoy sitting on your laurels, the latest Tonic drops and you’ve been gifted yet another challenge. There is of course a carrot dangling here, as the toe to heel foiling gybe is another step towards staying up on the foil for longer, whilst also doubling as an extremely effective method of turning around. And...
Hanumanasana/ Splits pose
This is well and truly an advanced Yoga posture, so don’t attempt this if you have tight hamstrings, hips or any injury to the pelvis, knees or ankles. Begin in a low lunge with the right leg forward making sure you are central over the handle/middle of the board. Pressing the palms into the board, slide the right foot forward...
We’re going to delve into the world of pumping as a means to get up on the foil for this issue. If you’re happily flying around, you will perhaps notice that you need considerably less power in your wing once you’re up than you do to get up. Effectively, this can mean that you’re on a bigger wing than required!...