Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

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Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Ten minutes of the best wingfoiling footage you’ve seen in a while – guaranteed! But, one thing that catches the surfer’s attention when it comes to Chile and what it stands for: is the land of lefts.

As the summer in Europe ended, we started to plan and look for destinations that hadn’t been on the wingfoiling map. The plan was to take some of our best Duotone and Fanatic team riders and find spots where not many people have been riding on a foil yet.

A couple of weeks later, Clement Roseyro, Paula Novotna, Klaas Voget and Stefan Spiessberger found ourselves in Matanzas, Chile – a very versatile crew that made it exciting to face the challenges and times of joy lying ahead of us!

Best movie of 2022? Vote now!

To vote for this video, share this page! The video with the most views wins. * (Closes 4th Feb 2023)

To view all nominations, please click here: Best Wing/Foiling Video of 2022 Nominations

* Views are counted from this page not the video platform. View counts are updated every 4hrs

Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 1:55 pm

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